Thứ Ba, 3 tháng 11, 2015

RHEL / Centos 7 Change and Set Hostname Command

RHEL / Centos 7 Change and Set Hostname Command

On a CentOS Linux 7 server you can use any one of the following tool to manage hostnames:
  1. hostnamectl command : Control the system hostname. This is recommended method.
  2. nmtui command : Control the system hostname using text user interface (TUI).
  3. nmcli command : Control the system hostname using CLI part of NetworkManager.

Method #1: hostnamectl command

Let us see how to use the hostnamectl command.
$ hostnamectl

## OR ##
$ hostnamectl status
Sample outputs:
   Static hostname: centos-7-vm
         Icon name: computer
           Chassis: n/a
        Machine ID: 663f697442a7d2c736c892230000002f
           Boot ID: c1ab056f60170cc0c9b63e1d1ea9c8fb
    Virtualization: oracle
  Operating System: CentOS Linux 7 (Core)
       CPE OS Name: cpe:/o:centos:centos:7
            Kernel: Linux 3.10.0-229.1.2.el7.x86_64
      Architecture: x86_64

How do I set the host name?
The syntax is:
# hostnamectl set-hostname Your-New-Host-Name-Here
# hostnamectl set-hostname "Your New Host Name Here" --pretty
# hostnamectl set-hostname Your-New-Host-Name-Here --static
# hostnamectl set-hostname Your-New-Host-Name-Here --transient
To verify new settings, enter:
# hostnamectl status
How do I delete a particular host name?
The syntax is:
# hostnamectl set-hostname ""
# hostnamectl set-hostname "" --static
# hostnamectl set-hostname "" --pretty

Method #2: nmtui command

You can set host name using nmtui command which has text user interface for new users:
# nmtui
Use the Down arrow key > select the "Set system hostname" menu option > Press the "Ok" button
Finally, restart hostnamed service by typing the following command
# systemctl restart systemd-hostnamed
To verify new hostname, enter:
# hostnamectl status

Method #3: nmcli command

To view the host name using nmcli command:
The syntax is:
# nmcli general hostname
To set the host name using nmcli command:
The syntax is:
# nmcli general hostname 10tut
# nmcli general hostname 10tut.localdomain
Finally, restart the systemd-hostnamed service:
# systemctl restart systemd-hostnamed
check cat /etc/sysconfig/network /etc/hostname

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