Thứ Năm, 16 tháng 6, 2016

Cracking password Oracle 12c format using hashcat

  1. Download hashcat from and unpack it
  2. Select spare4  value from sys.user$  
    In this case for example, System Properties:
    -> Database: Oracle 12c
    -> Account: SYS
    -> Passwd: SYS
    -> SYS.USER$: NAME = 'SYS', SPARE4 = 'S:B283DCCE5DC81D2023E3304C8818646CFF434C9C2FCDD505130ED13524B4'
       This means: HASH = 'B283DCCE5DC81D2023E3304C8818646CFF434C9C', SALT = '2FCDD505130ED13524B4'
    The format is [hash 40 "chars"]:[salt] , example B283DCCE5DC81D2023E3304C8818646CFF434C9C:2FCDD505130ED13524B4
    then put in to file hash_salt.txt
  3. Run the following hashcat command with m = 112 (Oracle 11g /12c) 
c:\hashcat-2.00>hashcat-cli64.exe -m 112 -a 0 -o result.txt hash_salt.txt dict.txt

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