Check TimeZone
- Check Current TimeZone and NTP Status
- Checking the list of available time zones
- you can use the grep command to limit the result

- Changing the time zone
- Check TimeZone and NTP Status

Setup NTP Service
- Test Enable NTP
- If system tell "Failed to set ntp: NTP not supported". You need to install systemd-timesyncd
- Activate NTP and Enter your admin password for time synchronization

- Check Current TimeZone and NTP Status

Enabling/Disabling time synchronization
- Enable time synchronization. >> Set NTP Service active
- Disable time synchronization. >> Set NTP Service inactive
Case time does not sync
- check service status

- the root cause is a network issue (time out to connect NTP server)

- After fixing network issue, restart the service and check service systemd-timesyncd status
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